Progetto Regionale

About the project

At the basis of the project stands the idea to study, measure and experimentally demonstrate innovative systems of measurement and protection from ionizing radiation (X and gamma radiation), which allows to improve the safety and the level of radiological protection of workers from different working environments exposed to ionizing radiation.

With the project DANTE, the partners propose an innovative approach to certain thematic related to the workers’ radiation protection such as the personal dosimetry, the personal perception of the diffusion of radiation levels in the work environment, and shielding devices for individual protection (PPE).

This approach gathers, in an integrated matrix, the cutting-edge technology for active (sensing) and passive (shielding) safety in activities related to risk from ionizing radiation. The old approach in which dosimetry and shielding are treated in a conceptually and operationally independent way is abandoned, trying to move towards a new generation of PPE that merge these two approaches together.

COORDINATOR: West Systems S.r.l.


The DANTE project involves the following subjects:

West Systems s.r.l. (capofila del progetto)

Next technology Tecnotessile Società Nazionale di Ricerca r.l.


Brooklin s.r.l.

LTA s.r.l.

Radiometrics S.r.l


Project co – financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014 – 2020 Aiuti gli investimenti in ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione DD 3389/2014 – Bando n. 2