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Texglobal 1st Mission to Mexico is now finished and it was a huge success!

TEXGLOBAL’s first international mission is now finished and it was a huge success. 9 textile [...]

We are looking for speakers for the “Health Textiles Digital Cluster” Symposium on 31st May 2022, in Monastir Technopark, Tunisia!

We are looking for speakers! We are looking for speakers for the “Health Textiles Digital [...]

Mechano-Tex for Innovation! Join the matchmaking on May 25th

Mechano-Tex for Innovation is the international brokerage matchmaking of TEX-MED ALLIANCES project, dedicated to the [...]

Last week FOMENTEX – Foundation of ATEVAL – organised an activity within the framework of the project EXTRATEX

Last week, FOMENTEX, Foundation of ATEVAL, organised an activity within the framework of the project [...]

Save the date: TEXGLOBAL Mexico mission

The general objective of the TEXGLOBAL project is to support the growth, the competitiveness and [...]

GALACTICA 2nd Hackathon winners

GALACTICA held this week the final of the 2nd hackathon awarding 45k€ in prizes. 9 [...]

Dicembre 2021: il progetto SMARTY terrà il quarto Interregional Policy Brokerage

Il prossimo 1 Dicembre 2021 il progetto SMARTY terrà il quarto Interregional Policy Brokerage in [...]

Event: Clusters driving the Green and Digital transistions

Our cluster, the Tuscany Fashion Cluster- OTIR 2020, managed by Next Technology Tecnotessile, is present [...]

Webinar evento: “Horizon Europe per il Made in Italy” – 23 Novembre 2021

Horizon Europe per il Made in Italy Le opportunità dei nuovi bandi del programma Horizon [...]