NTT is pleased to announce the opening of the 8th Call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) of the COST Action CONTEXT “European Network to connect research and innovation efforts on Advanced Smart Textiles” (CA17107).
The STSMs are institutional visits aimed at:
• supporting individual mobility,
• fostering collaboration between individuals especially PhD students or postdoctoral fellows.
They have a minimum stay of 5 calendar days and a financial contribution for each STSM up to a maximum of €2.000 in total, and up to a maximum of €160 per day for accommodation and meal expenses.
The STSMs of this call have to take place between 10th June and 10th October 2021, and up to 5 STSM Grants are available.
• The deadline for application is set for the next 28th May 2021.
To learn more about COST rules and STSMs please check the COST Vademecum that can be downloaded here:
For complete on-line application form: