Archivio Categoria: Non categorizzato
Dicembre 2021: il progetto SMARTY terrà il quarto Interregional Policy Brokerage
Il prossimo 1 Dicembre 2021 il progetto SMARTY terrà il quarto Interregional Policy Brokerage in [...]
Webinar evento: “Horizon Europe per il Made in Italy” – 23 Novembre 2021
Horizon Europe per il Made in Italy Le opportunità dei nuovi bandi del programma Horizon [...]
PRISMA | PRato Industrial SMart Accelerator
Il progetto CTE PRISMA si propone di creare una nuova infrastruttura di trasferimento tecnologico per [...]
Registration for the 2nd Hackathon of GALACTICA is now open!
Registration for the 2nd GALACTICA Hackathon is already open. Start-ups and SMEs as well as university students based [...]
Do you want to visit the different GALACTICA innovation ecosystems?
GALACTICA has prepared 8 Learning Expeditions in Fall 2021 to foster collaboration among Aerospace, Textile and [...]
TEX4IM On-line Final Conference
NTT is glad to announce that the TEX4IM On-line Final Conference will take place on [...]
Consortium Meeting – 25 March 2021
The TEXGLOBAL Monthly Meeting has took place on the 25th March 2021. The meeting’s main [...]
MODtissimo TEX4IM Webinar Opportunities for SMEs
Enrico Venturini from NTT , TEXGLOBAL project coordinator, had the opportunity to introduce TEXGLOBAL at [...]
GALACTICA Matchmaking event and the 1st “Info Day
NTT is glad to announce that tomorrow, 24th March 2021, it will take place the [...]
TEX4IM Sustainable Fashion Showcase
NTT invites you to the “TEX4IM Sustainable Fashion Showcase” that will take place tomorrow 17 [...]